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单词 berserk
释义 berserk[bə'sə:k]a. 狂暴的, 疯的ad. 狂暴地, 疯地 berserk  ber.serk  AHD:  [b…r-sûrk“, -zûrk“] D.J.  [b*6sT8k, -6zT8k]K.K.  [b+6sPk, -6zPk]adj.(形容词)1. Destructively or frenetically violent:狂暴的:毁灭性或狂乱地暴力的:a berserk worker who started smashing all the windows.狂暴的工人开始砸碎全部的玻璃2. Mentally or emotionally upset; deranged:精神错乱的:精神或情绪紧张的;精神错乱的:berserk with grief.因悲伤而精神错乱3. Informal Unrestrained, as with enthusiasm or appetite; wild:【非正式用语】 放任的:对热情或欲望不节制的;放任的:berserk over chocolates.无节制地吃巧克力n.(名词)1. One that is violent, upset, or unrestrained.发狂的人:狂暴的,混乱的或无节制的人2. A berserker.狂暴者,放任者继承用法:berserk“  adv.(副词)berserk“ly  adv.(副词)注释:When we say that we are going berserk,we may not realize how extreme a state this might be.Our adjective comes from the nounberserker,  or berserk,  which is from the Old Norse wordberserkr,  “a wild warrior or champion.” Such warriors wore hides of bears,which explains the probable origins ofberserkr  as a compound of .bera,  “bear,” and serkr,  “shirt, coat.” Theseberserkers  became frenzied in battle, howling like animals, foaming at the mouth, and biting the edges of their iron shields.Berserker  is first recorded in English in the early 19th century, long after these wild warriors ceased to exist. 当我们说我们正变得狂暴时,我们可能不知道这种状况会有多严重。形容词源自名词berserker 或 beserk , 这两个词都来自古老的斯堪的纳维亚语berserkr, 意思是“狂野的斗士”。 这些斗士身穿熊皮,也许这可以解释berserkr 这个词的来源是 bera “熊”和 serkr “衬衫,外套”这两个词的组合。 这些berserkers 在战斗中表现狂暴, 象动物一样吼叫,口吐白沫,口咬铁护甲。Berserker 于19世纪初首次出现于英语文字中,那已是狂暴斗士消失很久以后了




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