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单词 beside
释义 beside[bi'said]prep. 在旁边相关词组:beside the pointbeside oneselfbeside oneself with joy beside  be.side  AHD:  [b¹-sºd“] D.J.  [b!6sa!d]K.K.  [b!6sa!d]prep.(介词)1. At the side of; next to.在…旁边;挨着2. In comparison with:与…相比较:a proposal that seems quite reasonable beside the others.一个与其它相比似乎相当合理的建议3. On an equal footing with:与…平等:has earned a place beside the best performers in the business.在商业中赢得与最佳者平等的地位4. In addition to:除…之外:“Many creatures beside man live in communities”(&b{Stuart Chase})See Usage Note at &b{besides} “除人类之外,许多生物也是群居的”(斯图尔特·蔡斯)参见 besides5. Except for.See Usage Note at besides 除了参见 besides6. Not relevant to:与…无关:a remark that was beside the point.离题的评论adv.Archaic (副词)【古语】 1. In addition.之外2. Nearby.在附近习惯用语:beside (oneself)  In a state of extreme excitement or agitation:发狂:处于异常兴奋或激动状态:They were beside themselves with glee.他们欣喜若狂语源:1. Middle English biside 中古英语 biside 2. from Old English be s&9{ºdan} 源自 古英语 be s&9{ºdan} 3. be [by] * see  by 1be [被] *参见 by14. s&9{ºde} [side] s&9{ºde} [一侧]




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