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单词 best
释义 best[best]a. 最好的ad. 最好地n. 最好的人【法】 最好的, 最有利的相关词组:the best part best one canas best as one canat bestat one's bestbest of alldo one's bestdo one's level bestgive sb besthad bestmake the best of...make the best of thingsto the best of my belieftry one's bestwith the bestto look one's bestto make the best of a bad jobto the best of one's abilitymake the best of everything best  best  AHD:  [bµst] D.J.  [best]K.K.  [bWst]adj.(形容词)   good的最高级形式 1. Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; most excellent:最好的:在优点、成就或质量上超出其他所有的;最优秀的:the best performer; the best grade of ore.最优秀的表演者;最优等级矿石2. Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable:最合适的:最满意的、最适合的,或最有用的;最合乎需要的:the best solution; the best time for planting.最佳解答;最佳种植时节3. Greatest; most:最多的;最大的:He spoke for the best part of an hour.他讲话用了大半个钟头adv.(副词)   well2的最高级形式  1. In a most excellent way; most creditably or advantageously.最佳地:最佳地;最可信地或最有利地2. To the greatest degree or extent; most:最大限度地;最:“He was certainly the best hated man in the ship”(&b{W. Somerset Maugham})“他无疑是船上最可恨的人”( W.萨默塞特·莫姆)n.(名词)1. One that surpasses all others.佼佼者2. The best part, moment, or value:最好的部分,最好的时间,最好的价值:The best is still to come. Let's get the best out of life.最好的时刻即将到来。让我们享受生命中的精华3. The optimum condition or quality:最佳状况:最合适的条件或质量:look your best. She was at her best in the freestyle competition.你看起来好极了。她在自由式泳赛中处于最佳状态4. One's nicest or most formal clothing.盛装,最好服装:一个人最好的或最正式的衣着5. The supreme effort one can make:最大努力:一个人所能尽的最大努力:doing our best.尽我们的最大努力6. One's warmest wishes or regards:最热烈祝福,最热烈问候:Give them my best.向他们表示我最热烈的祝愿及物动词)  best.ed,,bests To get the better of; beat:胜过;击败:“I'm a rough customer, I expect, but I know when I'm bested”(&b{Nathanael West})“我知道我是个难缠的客户,但当我被占了上风时我有自知之明”(纳撒内尔·韦斯特)习惯用语:at best  1. Interpreted most favorably; at the most:充其量;至多:no more than 40 people at best in attendance.充其量有不到40人参加2. Under the most favorable conditions:在最佳情况下:has a top speed of 20 miles per hour at best.最高时速为每小时20英里for the best  With an ultimately positive or preferable result.结果会是好的:最终有一个乐观的或让人满意的结果get the best of 或  have the best of  To outdo or outwit; defeat:击败:胜过或赢过;击败:My opponent got the best of me in the debate.在辩论中我的对手胜过了我语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English betst * see  bhad- 源自 古英语 betst *参见 bhad- 用法:According to rule,better  should be used in comparisons between two things: Which house of Congress has the better  (not best ) attendance record?  In certain fixed expressions, however,best  is used idiomatically for comparisons between two: Put your best foot forward. May the best man win!  See Usage Note at better 1rather 按照规定,better 应用于两种东西的比较: which house of Congress has the better (而不是 best ) attendence record?(哪一次的议会出席率高一些?)。  在某些固定的表达中best 也被习惯用于两者之间的比较: 全力以赴。祝最佳的取胜!  参见 better1rather Best  Best  AHD:  [bµst] Charles Herbert (1899-1978) D.J.  [best]K.K.  [bWst]NONE(无词性)American-born Canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.贝斯特,查尔斯·赫伯特:(1899-1978) 美裔加拿大生理学家,因其对胰岛素的发现与应用方面的工作而著名




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