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单词 binder
释义 binder['baində]n. 捆缚者, 用以绑缚之物, 活页夹【化】 粘结剂【医】 腹带, 结合剂, 粘合剂【经】 活页封面, 临时契约通知已保险 binder  AHD:  [bºn“d…r] D.J.  [6ba!nd*]K.K.  [6ba!nd+]n.(名词)1. One that binds, especially a bookbinder.包扎者:包扎者,尤指装订工2. Something, such as a cord, used to bind.带子:用于捆绑之物,如绳线3. A notebook cover with rings or clamps for holding sheets of paper.活页封面:带有环状物或夹子用于固定纸张的封面4. Something, such as the latex in certain paints, that creates uniform consistency, solidification, or cohesion.粘合剂:可产生均匀的浓度、硬度和粘着度的某物,如涂料中的乳剂5. A machine that reaps and ties grain.收割扎束机:收割和捆扎谷物的机器6. An attachment on a reaping machine that ties grain in bundles.捆缚装置:收割扎束机上把作物扎成束的附件部分7. Law A payment or written statement making an agreement legally binding until the completion of a formal contract, especially an insurance contract.【法律】 订金,临时契约:具有法律束缚力的合约的付款押金或书面材料,在正式的合同完成之前拟成,尤指保险合同




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