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单词 bistro
释义 bistro['bistrəu]n. 小酒馆, 夜总会 bistro  bis.tro  AHD:  [b¶“str½, b¹s“tr½] D.J.  [6bi8str*&, 6b!str*&]K.K.  [6bistro, 6b!stro]n.(名词)  【复数】 bis.tros 1. A small bar, tavern, or nightclub.小酒店,酒馆或夜总会2. A small, informal restaurant serving wine.小酒馆:不正式的卖酒的小饭馆语源:1. French bistro 法语 bistro 2. or bistrot [tavern owner, tavern] 或 bistrot [酒馆主人、酒馆] 注释:According to a popular story,bistro  came into existence as a French word when Russian soldiers entered Parisian restaurants and cafés after the fall of Napoleon in 1815 shouting “bystro, bystro,”  Russian for “quickly, quickly.” Bistros seem to have been named not for this desire for quick servicebut possibly for a commodity to be found in at least some of them,since the French wordbistro  may be related to the word bistouille,  “raw spirits, rotgut.”  Another possibility is that the wordbistro  comes from the dialectal word bistraud,  “young cowherd.” In Standard French the term may have come to mean “wine merchant's helper” and then “an establishment selling wine.”Although the French wordbistro  is first recorded in 1884, evidence for the English wordbistro  is not found until the early 1920's. 根据传说,bistro 原是一个法国词而产生的,当1815年拿破仑失败后俄国士兵进入巴黎饭馆和咖啡店,就叫嚷着 “bistro,bistro,” 俄语的意思为“快点,快点”。  “酒馆”似乎是因这种要求快速服务的愿望而得名,但可能是源于在酒馆中至少可以找到的一种商品,因为法国词bistro 可能与另一个意为“生酒,劣等烧酒”的词 bistouille 有关。 另一种可能是bistro 一词来自方言 bistrand, 意为“年轻的放牛娃”。 在标准法语中该词可能指“酒商的助手”,后来指“卖酒的企业。”虽然法语bistro 一词在1884年最先有记载, 但英语bistro 一词直到19世纪20年代初期才有出现的迹象




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