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单词 blame
释义 blame[bleim]n. 过失, 责备vt. 责备, 归咎于【经】 过失; 谴责相关词组:be to blameincur blame for...bear the blame blame  blame  AHD:  [bl³m] D.J.  [ble!m]K.K.  [blem]及物动词)  blamed,,blames 1. To hold responsible.负责2. To find fault with; censure.指责:找…的差错;指责,谴责3. To place responsibility for (something):归咎:把(某事)责任归于…:blamed the crisis on poor planning.把危机归咎于计划不周n.(名词)1. The state of being responsible for a fault or an error; culpability.责备,谴责:对过失或错误的责任的状态;应受谴责的行为2. Censure; condemnation.责备;责怪习惯用语:to blame  1. Deserving censure; at fault.谴责:应受谴责的;有过错的2. Being the cause or source of something:起因是:是…起因或某事的根源的:A freak storm was to blame for the power outage.停电的起因是一场特大暴风雪语源:1. Middle English blamen 中古英语 blamen 2. from Old French blasmer, blamer 源自 古法语 blasmer, blamer 3. from Vulgar Latin *blast¶m³re 源自 俗拉丁语 *blast¶m³re 4. alteration of Late Latin blasph¶m³re [to reproach] * see  blaspheme 后期拉丁语 blasph¶m³re的变化 [责备,指责] *参见 blaspheme继承用法:blam“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. blame,fault,guilt2. These nouns are compared in the sense of responsibility for an offense.可以从对错误负有的责任这一意义比较这些名词。3. Blame   stresses censure or punishment for a lapse or misdeed for which one is held accountable: Blame  强调对某种可以解释的失误或不良行为的谴责或惩罚: The police laid the blame for the accident squarely on the driver's shoulders.警方公正地把事故的责任归于司机。4. Fault   is culpability for causing or failing to prevent the occurrence of something detrimental: Fault  是指引起或没能阻止某有害事件发生而应承担的责任: The student failed the examination, but not through any fault of his teacher.这个学生考试不及格,但不是由于老师的过失。5. Guilt   applies to serious, willful breaches of conduct and stresses moral culpability: Guilt  适用于情节严重、故意的不良行为并强调道德上的过失: The case was dismissed because the prosecution did not have sufficient evidence of the defendant's guilt. See also Synonyms at  &b{criticize} 案子被撤消了,因为指控对被告罪行没有足够的证据 参见同义词 criticize




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