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单词 blank
释义 blank[blæŋk]n. 空格, 空白a. 空白的, 空虚的, 完全的, 无色的vi. 消失, 成为空白vt. 使无效, 取消, 封锁【计】 空白【化】 毛坯【医】 空白的【经】 空白的, 空白表格 blank  blank  AHD:  [bl²ngk] D.J.  [bl#0k]K.K.  [bl#0k]adj.(形容词),blank.est 1. Devoid of writing, images, or marks:空白的:没有字迹、图象或标记的:a blank page; a blank screen.空白的一页;空白的屏幕2. Containing no information; unrecorded or erased:空的:无信息的;没有记录的,抹去的:a blank tape; a blank diskette.空白磁带;空磁盘3. Not completed or filled in:未填写的:没有完成或没有填写的:a blank questionnaire.未填写的调查问卷4. Not having received final processing; unfinished:未完的:未到最后工序的;未完的:a blank key.钥匙坯5. Lacking expression; expressionless:茫然的:茫然的;没有表情的:“Although his gestures were elaborate, his face was blank”(&b{Nathanael West})See Synonyms at &b{empty} “虽然他手势很多,但面无表情。”(纳撒内尔·韦斯特)参见 empty6. Appearing or seeming to appear dazed or confused:困惑的:显得或似乎显得茫然的或困惑的:greeted me with a blank stare.他困惑地看了我一眼,和我打了招呼7. Devoid of thought or impression:空虚的:思想或感觉的空白:a blank mind.空虚的心灵8. Devoid of activity, interest, or distinctive character; empty:单调的:缺少活力,兴趣或明显特征的;空虚的:tried to fill the blank hours of the day.努力打发无聊的一天9. Absolute; complete:绝对的;完全的:a blank refusal.断然拒绝n.(名词)1. An empty space or place; a void:空白,空地:空的空间或地点;空白:During the exam my mind was a blank.考试的时候,我的脑子里一片空白2. An empty space on a document to be filled in.填空处:文件中留待填写的空白处3. A document with one or more such spaces.空白表格:有空白处的文件4. A manufactured article of a standard shape or form that is ready for final processing, as by stamping or cutting:坯:生产出的有统一规格的只需接受最后一道工序的物件,如需盖章或切割等工序:a key blank.钥匙原坯5. A blank cartridge.空包弹6. Something worthless, such as a losing lottery ticket.废物:无用的东西,如未中奖的奖票7. A mark, usually a dash (—), indicating the omission of a word or of a letter or letters.省略符号:一标记,通常为破折号(—),指一个单词或字母的省略8. The white circle in the center of a target; a bull's eye.靶心:靶子中心的白点;靶心v.(动词)  blanked,,blanks及物动词)1. To remove, as from view; obliterate:消失:从视线中移开;消失:“At times the strong glare of the sun blanked it from sight”(&b{Richard Wright})“有时太阳的强光使它从视线中消失。”(理查德·赖特)2. To block access to:挡住通路:阻塞通往…的道路:blank off a subway tunnel.挡住地铁隧道3. Sports To prevent (an opponent) from scoring.【体育运动】 阻止(对手)得分4. To punch or stamp from flat stock, especially with a die.打孔,盖印:从平模具打洞或印模,尤指用铸模盖印v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To become abstracted:走神:使分心,心不在焉:My mind blanked out for a few seconds.我的脑子走了一会儿神2. To fade away:逐渐消失:The music gradually blanked out.音乐逐渐消失语源:1. Middle English [white, having spaces to be filled in] 中古英语 [白色的,有需填入的空白处的] 2. from Old French blanc [white] 源自 古法语 blanc [白色的] 3. [of Germanic origin] * see  bhel- 1[源于日耳曼语] *参见 bhel- 1继承用法:blank“ly  adv.(副词)blank“ness  n.(名词)




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