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单词 blind
释义 blind[blaind]n. 蒙蔽物, 窗帘a. 盲目的, 瞎的, 不加思考的vt. 使失明, 蒙蔽, 遮暗ad. 盲目地【医】 盲的相关词组:be blind to...turn a blind eye to... blind  blind  AHD:  [blºnd] D.J.  [bla!nd]K.K.  [bla!nd]adj.(形容词),blind.est 1. Sightless.看不见的2. Having a maximal visual acuity of the better eye, after correction by refractive lenses, of one-tenth normal vision or less (20/200 or less on the Snellen test).瞎的,失明的:通过折射矫正后,最好眼最大视力敏感度为正常视力的1/10或少于1/10的(斯奈伦测试20/200)或更低3. Of, relating to, or for sightless persons.盲人的:盲人的,有关盲人的或为了盲人的4. Performed or made without the benefit of background information that might prejudice the outcome or result:不知情的:在没有能够使结果产生偏见的背景知识的情况下进行的或制造的:blind taste tests used in marketing studies.用于市场调查的事先毫不知情的口味测试5. Performed without preparation, experience, or knowledge:盲目的:没有准备、经验或知识的情况下进行的:made a blind stab at answering the question.盲目回答了这个问题6. Performed by instruments and without the use of sight:利用仪器操作而不利用视力的:blind navigation.无人驾驶7. Unable or unwilling to perceive or understand:视而不见的,不能或不愿去理解的:blind to a lover's faults.对情人的错误视而不见8. Not based on reason or evidence; unquestioning:盲目的,轻率的:不建立在理智或证据的基础上的;不提出疑问的:put blind faith in their leaders.对他们的领袖盲目崇拜9. Slang Drunk.【俚语】 喝醉的10. Independent of human control:无法控制的:对人为控制无信心的:blind fate.天命11. Difficult to comprehend or see; illegible.难以理解的:难以理解或看清的;难认的12. Incompletely or illegibly addressed:地址不详的:地址不全或难以辨认的:blind mail.地址不详的邮件13. Hidden from sight:隐蔽的:挡住看不见的:a blind seam.暗针脚14. Screened from the view of oncoming motorists:看不见的:避开迎面而来的驾驶员的视线的:a blind driveway.隐蔽的车道15. Secret or otherwise undisclosed:秘密的,隐蔽的:a blind item in a military budget.军事预算中秘密的一项16. Closed at one end:封死的:一端不通的:a blind socket; a blind passage.封死的孔;死路17. Having no opening:没有开口的:a blind wall.无门的墙18. Botany Failing to produce flowers or fruits:【植物学】 不开花或不结果的:a blind bud.不开花的芽n.(名词)1. Something, such as a window shade or a Venetian blind, that hinders vision or shuts out light.遮光物:如窗帘或软百叶窗等能遮挡视线或挡住阳光的物体2. A shelter for concealing hunters, especially duck hunters.埋伏处:猎人,尤指猎鸭人的藏身的隐蔽处3. Something intended to conceal the true nature, especially of an activity; a subterfuge.挡箭牌:企图掩盖本质,尤指某活动的真实性质的事物;狡猾的逃避手段adv.(副词)1. Without seeing; blindly.看不见地;盲目地2. Without the aid of visual reference:盲目地:没有视觉帮助地:flew blind through the fog.在雾中盲目地飞行3. Without forethought or provision; unawares:毫不知情地:没有事先想好或事先准备好地;冷不防地:entered into the scheme blind.毫不知情地走入了陷阱4. Informal Into a stupor:【非正式用语】 不省人事地:drank themselves blind.他们喝得烂醉如泥5. Used as an intensive:用于加强语气:Thieves in the bazaar robbed us blind.集市上的小偷洗劫了我们的钱财及物动词)  blind.ed,,blinds 1. To deprive of sight:使失明:was blinded in an industrial accident.在一次工业事故中失明2. To dazzle:使晕眩:skiers temporarily blinded by sunlight on snow.滑雪者有时被雪反射的阳光照得头晕目眩3. To deprive of perception or insight:缺乏眼光:使失去眼光或洞察力:prejudice that blinded them to the merits of the proposal.他们因偏见而对计划的优点视而不见4. To withhold light from:遮住光线:从…阻挡光线:Thick shrubs blinded our downstairs windows.浓密的灌木遮蔽了楼下的窗户语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English * see  bhel- 1源自 古英语 *参见 bhel- 1继承用法:blind“ingly  adv.(副词)blind“ly  adv.(副词)blind“ness  n.(名词)




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