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单词 blind-side
释义 blind-side  blind-side 或 blind.side  AHD:  [blºnd“sºd”] D.J.  [6bla!nd7sa!d]K.K.  [6bla!nd7sa!d]及物动词)  blind-.sid.ed,,blind-.sides 1. To hit or attack on or from the blind side.攻其不备:从未加防备的一面打击或进攻2. To catch or take unawares, especially with harmful or detrimental results:使措手不及:不知不觉地抓住或取得,尤指有害或不良后果:“The recent recession, with its wave of corporate cost-cutting, blind-sided many lawyers”(&b{Aric Press})“近来随着公司削减费用的浪潮所造成的不景气使很多律师措手不及”(阿里奇·普雷斯) blind side  blind side  n.(名词)1. The side on which one's vision, especially the peripheral vision, is limited or obstructed.视线受限的一面:尤指末梢视线受限或受限的一侧视线2. The side away from which one is directing one's attention.未加防备的一面




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