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单词 blot
释义 blot[blɒt]n. 污点, 墨水渍vt. 乱涂, 使模糊, 吸干vi. 弄上墨渍, 吸墨水【法】 污点, 污名, 污渍相关词组:blot sth out blot 1  blot 1  AHD:  [bl¼t] D.J.  [blKt]K.K.  [bl$t]n.(名词)1. A spot or a stain caused by a discoloring substance:污渍、污斑:污物沾染的污点或痕迹:a blot of paint.绘画作品的污渍2. A stain on one's character or reputation; a disgrace.See Synonyms at stain 污点,缺陷:名誉上的污点,性格上的缺陷;羞耻参见 stainv.(动词)  blot.ted,blot.ting,blots及物动词)1. To spot or stain, as with a discoloring substance.玷污,弄脏:因某种褪色物质弄脏、染污2. To bring moral disgrace to.玷污,污名:使人蒙受道德上的耻辱3. To obliterate (writing, for example).涂抹(如书写)4. To make obscure; hide:遮蔽:使不清楚;模糊:clouds blotting out the moon.云彩把月亮遮得看不清楚5. To destroy utterly; annihilate:毁掉,灭掉:彻底破坏;消灭:War blotted out their traditional way of life.战争破坏了他们的传统生活方式6. To soak up or dry with absorbent material.吸收,吸掉:用可吸收物质吸干或吸掉v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To spill or spread in a spot or stain.(污点或污渍)溅出或蔓延2. To become blotted, soaked up, or absorbed.被吸掉、吸干、吸收语源:Middle English 中古英语  blot 2  blot 2  AHD:  [bl¼t] D.J.  [blKt]K.K.  [bl$t]n.(名词)1. Games An exposed piece in backgammon.【游戏】 十五子棋中易被吃掉的孤立棋子2. Archaic A weak point.【古语】 弱点语源:Possibly from Low German blat [naked, unprotected] 可能源自 低地德语 blat [裸露的,未防卫的]




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