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单词 blow
释义 blow[bləu]n. 吹, 打击, 殴打, 花开vt. 吹, 风吹, 吹响, 开花vi. 吹, 风吹, 吹响, 开花【机】 吹疵相关词组:blow outblow overblow sth upblow upblow upon...strike a blow against...strike a blow for...blow off steamblow one's mindblow money on...blow inblow off...blow sth out blow 1  blow 1  AHD:  [bl½] D.J.  [bl*&]K.K.  [blo]v.(动词)  blew[bl›] blown[bl½n],blows v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To be in a state of motion. Used of the air or of wind.吹刮,吹动:处于移动的状态。空气或风的移动2. To move along or be carried by or as if by the wind:随风飘动,被风吹落:Her hat blew away.她的帽子被吹落了3. To expel a current of air, as from the mouth or from a bellows.吹气,鼓风:从嘴或风箱中往外送气4. To produce a sound by expelling a current of air, as in sounding a wind instrument or a whistle.叫,鸣叫:放出空气发出声音,例如风箱声或口哨5. To breathe hard; pant.喘气,喘息:用力呼吸;气喘吁吁6. To storm:起风暴:It blew all night.一整夜都在刮大风7. To melt or otherwise become disabled. Used of a fuse.烧断:熔断而无法使用。用于指保险丝8. To burst suddenly:爆裂:突然爆炸:The tire blew.轮胎突然爆胎9. To spout moist air from the blowhole. Used of a whale.喷水:从喷水孔喷出潮湿的空气。用于指鲸10. Informal To boast.【非正式用语】 吹牛,自夸自擂11. Slang To go away; depart.【俚语】 走掉;离开及物动词)1. To cause to move by means of a current of air.吹:推动空气或在气流中飘动2. To expel (air) from the mouth.用口吹气3. To cause air to be expelled suddenly from:使爆炸:使气体突然排出:blew a tire.轮胎爆了4. To drive a current of air on, in, or through:吹风,风干:使空气流过上方进入,或通过:blew my hair dry after I shampooed it.我洗完头发后将它吹干5. To clear out or make free of obstruction by forcing air through:吹气,擤:借气流的通过而清除障碍:constantly blowing his nose in allergy season.在过敏的季节不断地擤他的鼻子6. To shape or form (glass, for example) by forcing air or gas through at the end of a pipe.吹制:通过管端注入空气制造或成型(如玻璃器皿)7. Music 【音乐】 8. To cause (a wind instrument) to sound.奏出:使管乐器发声9. To sound:吹奏:a bugle blowing taps.使管乐器军号发出嘟嘟声10. To cause to be out of breath.使气喘:使上气不接下气11. To allow (a winded horse) to regain its breath.喘气:让(如马)停下来歇气12. To demolish by the force of an explosion:炸毁:通过爆炸的力量造成破坏:An artillery shell blew our headquarters apart.炮火炸飞了我们的指挥部13. To lay or deposit eggs in. Used of certain insects.昆虫产卵:排卵或产卵。用于指某些昆虫14. To melt or otherwise disable (a fuse).(保险丝)熔断或作废15. Slang 【俚语】 16. To spend (money) freely and rashly.See Synonyms at waste 乱花(钱),挥霍参见 waste17. To spend money freely on; treat:高额花费;款待:blew me to a sumptuous dinner.请我吃了一顿豪华的晚餐18. Vulgar Slang To perform fellatio on.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 口交19. Slang To spoil or lose through ineptitude.See Synonyms at botch 【俚语】 因无能而坏事或受损参见 botch20. To cause (a covert intelligence operation or operative) to be revealed and thereby jeopardized:泄密而陷入危险:暴露秘密侦察行动或侦察员使陷于险境:a story in the press that blew their cover; an agent who was blown by the opposition.使他们原形毕露的新闻报导;被对方识破的间谍21. Slang To depart (a place) in a great hurry:【俚语】 匆忙离开(一个地方):Let's blow this city no later than noon.让我们最迟中午之前离开这座城市吧n.(名词)1. The act or an instance of blowing.吹:吹的行为或事例2. A blast of air or wind.风,一阵风3. A storm.风暴4. Informal An act of bragging.【非正式用语】 自吹自擂,自夸5. Slang Cocaine.【俚语】 可卡因常用词组:blow away 【俚语】  1. To kill by shooting, especially with a firearm.用火枪射杀2. To affect intensely; overwhelm:强烈影响;征服:That concert blew me away.音乐会震撼了我blow in 【俚语】  To arrive, especially when unexpected.不期而至,突然造访blow off  To relieve or release (pressure); let off.减轻,释放(压力);放走blow out  1. To extinguish or be extinguished by a gust of air:吹灭或被一阵风吹灭:blow out a candle.吹灭蜡烛2. To fail, as an electrical apparatus.电器断电3. To erupt in an uncontrolled manner. Used of a gas or oil well.爆发:以势不可挡之势爆发。用于指煤气或油井blow over  To subside, wane, or pass over with little lasting effect:(风雨)平息、衰退或轻拂:The storm blew over quickly. The scandal will soon blow over.风暴迅速减退。丑闻将很快销声匿迹blow up  1. To come into being:形成:A storm blew up.风暴骤起2. To fill with air; inflate:充气;膨胀:blow up a tire.给轮胎充气3. To enlarge (a photographic image or print).(照片或印刷品)放大,扩大4. To explode:爆炸:bombs blowing up.爆炸的炸弹5. To lose one's temper.发脾气,失去耐性习惯用语:blow a gasket【俚语】  To explode with anger.勃然大怒blow hot and cold  To change one's opinion often on a matter; vacillate.反复无常,出尔反尔:经常改变对某事的意见;动摇blow off steam  To give vent to pent-up emotion.释放被压抑的情感blow (one's) cool【俚语】  To lose one's composure.失去冷静blow (one's) mind【俚语】  To affect with intense emotion, such as amazement, excitement, or shock.惊奇,兴奋:惊奇、兴奋、惊吓引起的情绪强烈波动blow (one's) top 或  blow (one's) stack 【非正式用语】  Informal To lose one's temper.【非正式用语】 发脾气语源:1. Middle English blowen 中古英语 blowen 2. from Old English bl³wan * see  bhl¶- 源自 古英语 bl³wan *参见 bhl¶-  blow 2  blow 2  AHD:  [bl½] D.J.  [bl*&]K.K.  [blo]n.(名词)1. A sudden hard stroke or hit, as with the fist or an object.打,殴打:用拳头或物体突然猛烈的一击2. An unexpected shock or calamity.突然的打击或灾祸3. An unexpected attack; an assault.突然的进攻;袭击语源:Middle English blaw 中古英语 blaw  blow 3  blow 3  AHD:  [bl½] D.J.  [bl*&]K.K.  [blo]n.(名词)1. A mass of blossoms:花,花丛:peach blow.桃花2. The state of blossoming.花盛开:花盛开的状态不及物动词和及物动词)  blew[bl›] blown[bl½n],blows To bloom or cause to bloom.开花或使花盛开语源:1. From Middle English blowen [to bloom] 源自 中古英语 blowen [开花] 2. from Old English bl½wan * see  bhel- 3源自 古英语 bl½wan *参见 bhel- 3




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