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单词 Bogsat
释义 Bogsat  Bogsat  AHD:  [bôg“s²t”, b¼g“-]  或 BOGSAT D.J.  [6b%8g7s#t, 6bKg-] 或 BOGSAT K.K.  [6b%g7s#t, 6b$g-] 或 BOGSAT n.Slang (名词)【俚语】 A decision-making process that involves ad hoc judgments made by relatively inexperienced people, typically political or corporate staff members:重大决策:相对缺乏经验的人,尤指政治家和公司决策层作出特别的决策的过程:“Bogsat is, more often than not, an innocent form of cronyism”(&b{John W. Macy})“Most important decisions are still made by BOGSAT”(&b{Dawn Marie Driscoll})“权宜之计在多数情况下是任人唯亲的无知作法”(约翰W.梅西)“大部分重大决定仍由缺乏经验的人作出的心血来潮的决策”(唐·玛丽·德里斯克尔)语源:B(unch) o(f) g(uys) s(itting) a(round a) t(able) B(unch) o(f) g(uys) s(itting) a(round a) t(able)




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