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单词 acrostic
释义 acrostic[ə'krɒstik]n. 离合诗a. 离合诗的 acrostic  a.cros.tic  AHD:  […-krô“st¹k, …-kr¼s“t¹k] D.J.  [*6kr%8st!k, *6krKst!k]K.K.  [*6kr%st!k, *6kr$st!k]n.(名词)1. A poem or series of lines in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a name, motto, or message when read in sequence.离合诗,藏头诗:指一首诗或几行诗中的一些字母,通常是每一行的第一个字母,当按顺序读时可组成名字、格言或信息2. See  word square 参见  word square语源:1. French acrostiche 法语 acrostiche 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Greek akrostikhis 源自 希腊语 akrostikhis 4. akron [head, end] * see  acro- akron [头,尾] *参见 acro-5. stikhos [line] * see  steigh- stikhos [行] *参见 steigh- 继承用法:acros“tic  adj.(形容词)acros“tically  adv.(副词)注释:An acrostic gives the reader two for one,and the etymology of the word emphasizes one of these two.Our word goes back to the Greek wordakrostikhis,  “acrostic,”  which is a combination of Greekakron,  “head,” and stikhos,  “row, line of verse.” Literallyakrostikhis  means “the line at the head,”  emphasizing the fact that an acrostic has in addition to horizontal rows a vertical row formed of the letters at the “head” or start of each line.In ancient manuscripts, in which a line of verse did not necessarily correspond to a line of text,an acrostic would have looked particularly striking, with each of its lines standing by itself and beginning with a capital letter.Our word for this type of composition is first found in English in the 16th century.离合诗一词实际上有两种含义,在此这个词的语源只强调其中的一种。此词可追溯到希腊词akrostikhis “藏头诗”, 是希腊字akron  “头,”和 stikhos  “诗行”的合并。 akrostikhis 本来指“在开头的诗行”, 强调一首离合诗除了水平方向的行数外,还有由每一行的“头”或起首词组成的垂直方向的诗行。在古代的作品中,一诗行并不一定要和文章中的一行相对应。一首离合诗,当其每一行单列出来,且以一大写字母开头, 那就非常引人注目了。在英语中首次用藏头诗一词表示这种作品是在16世纪




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