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单词 bolt
释义 bolt[bəult]n. 门闩, 螺钉, 筛子, 闪电, 意外事件vt. 闩住, 发射, 脱口而出, 筛, 囫囵吞下vi. 囫囵吞枣, 射箭, 脱缰, 退出党派ad. 突然【电】 螺栓 bolt 1  bolt 1  AHD:  [b½lt] D.J.  [b*&lt]K.K.  [bolt]n.(名词)1. A bar made of wood or metal that slides into a socket and is used to fasten doors and gates.门闩,插销:用木或金属制成的条,插入闩中用于固紧门2. A metal bar or rod in the mechanism of a lock that is thrown or withdrawn by turning the key.锁簧:锁上的金属条或杆,旋转锁可将其压进或抽出锁孔3. A fastener consisting of a threaded pin or rod with a head at one end, designed to be inserted through holes in assembled parts and secured by a mated nut that is tightened by applying torque.螺栓:一种由可穿过的栓或竿构成的条形紧固器,一端有头,用于插进集合部分相应的孔,再用配对的螺帽旋紧4. A sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles, closes the breech, and ejects the spent cartridge.枪栓,枪机:装在后枪膛中为子弹定位的滑动金属条,可关闭枪膛和输入将用的子弹5. A similar device in any breech mechanism.栓:在有膛机械中的类似设备6. A short, heavy arrow with a thick head, used especially with a crossbow.弩箭:一种大头的短而重的箭,尤与弩连用7. A flash of lightning; a thunderbolt.闪电;霹雳8. A sudden or unexpected event:突发事件:The announcement was a veritable bolt.这告示是千真万确的突发事件9. A sudden movement toward or away.猛冲,逃跑10. A large roll of cloth of a definite length, especially as it comes from the loom.一匹:有一定长度的,尤指当其从织机上卸下来时的一卷布v.(动词)  bolt.ed,,bolts及物动词)1. To secure or lock with or as if with a bolt.栓住,锁:用或好象用锁固定或锁住2. To arrange or roll (lengths of cloth, for example) on or in a bolt.将布卷成匹,整理布匹:将(例如布)安置或卷在一个栓上3. To eat (food) hurriedly and with little chewing; gulp.匆匆咽下,囫囵吞吃:快速的且很少嚼的吃(食物);吞食4. To desert or withdraw support from (a political party).退出:从(政党)中脱离,或不再支持5. To utter impulsively; blurt.脱口而出;急促地说6. Archaic To shoot or discharge (a missile, such as an arrow).【古语】 射:投射或发出(发射物,如箭)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To move or spring suddenly.迅速移动,突然跳起2. To start suddenly and run away:惊跑:突然起动且逃跑:The horse bolted at the sound of the shot. The frightened child bolted from the room.听到射击声,马脱缰逃跑。吓坏了的孩子从屋子中飞跑出来3. To break away from a political party or its policies.脱党:从一个政党脱离出来,拒绝支持党的政策4. Botany To flower or produce seeds prematurely or develop a flowering stem from a rosette.【植物学】 过早的生子(结实):植物未成熟期开花或结实,从蔷薇结长为花柄习惯用语:bolt from the blue  A sudden, shocking surprise or turn of events.晴天霹雳:事件的突发或突然转变语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English [heavy arrow] 源自 古英语 [重箭]  bolt 2  bolt 2  AHD:  [b½lt] D.J.  [b*&lt]K.K.  [bolt]及物动词)  bolt.ed,,bolts To pass (flour, for example) through a sieve.筛,筛选:用筛子筛选(面粉等)语源:1. Middle English bulten 中古英语 bulten 2. from Old French buleter 源自 古法语 buleter 3. from Middle High German biuteln 源自 中古高地德语 biuteln 4. from biutel [bag, purse] 源自 biutel [袋子,钱包]




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