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单词 book
释义 book[buk]n. 书, 书籍, 帐簿, 名册, 工作簿vt. 登记, 预订vi. 登记, 预订【计】 工作簿【经】 帐本, 注册, 挂号; 登记入册, 预定相关词组:suit sb's bookthrow the book at...without bookthrow the book at someonebook sth uptake a leaf out of someone's bookbring sb to book for sthby the bookknow like a bookmake book book  book  AHD:  [b‹k] D.J.  [b&k]K.K.  [b&k]n.Abbr. bk.,b.(名词)缩写 bk.,b.1. A set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.书,书本:一叠沿一边固定起来并装订在两张保护性的封面之间的书写的、印刷的或空白纸张2. A printed or written literary work.文学书:一本印刷的或书写的文学作品3. A main division of a larger printed or written work:部,章节:较大的印刷的或书写著作的一大分部:a book of the Old Testament.旧约的一个章节4. A volume in which financial or business transactions are recorded.簿册:记录金融或商业交易的册子5. books Financial or business records considered as a group:books 帐目:被当作一个整体的金融或商业记录:checked the expenditures on the books.查对帐目上的支出情况6. A libretto.歌词,剧本7. The script of a play.剧本8. Book The Bible.Book 圣经9. A set of prescribed standards or rules on which decisions are based:制度:一套规定好的用以作为决策基础的标准或准则:runs the company by the book.根据制度经营公司10. Something regarded as a source of knowledge or understanding.知识之库:被认作知识或智力来源的东西11. The total amount of experience, knowledge, understanding, and skill that can be used in solving a problem or performing a task:知识总库:经验、知识、理解力和技巧等可用来解决问题或现实任务的东西的总和:We used every trick in the book to finish the project on schedule.我们用尽了书上每个技巧以完成预定表上的计划12. A packet of like or similar items bound together:一包:放在一起的相象或相同的东西:a book of matches.一包火柴13. A record of bets placed on a race.登录赌注:压在赛马上的赌注记录14. Games The number of card tricks needed before any tricks can have scoring value, as the first six tricks taken by the declaring side in bridge.【游戏】 完成约定的牌墩数:在获得有记分价值的牌墩前应完成的牌墩数,比如打桥牌时叫方认下的前六墩n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:书面:经常用来修饰另一个名词:a book report; book learning.书面报告;书本知识及物动词)  booked,,books 1. To list or register in or as if in a book.登记,注册:在表中或好象在表中登录下来或列举出来2. To record charges against (a person) on a police blotter.作控告笔录:在警察记事簿上记录(对某人的)指控3. To arrange for (tickets or lodgings, for example) in advance; reserve.预订:事先安排(如票或住宿等);预订4. To hire or engage:约定:雇佣或约定:The manager booked a magic show for Saturday night.那个经理预定了一场星期六晚上的魔术表演5. To allocate time for.为…安排出时间习惯用语:bring to book  To demand an explanation from; call to account.要求作出解释;要求作出说明in one's book  In one's opinion:认为:根据某人的看法:In my book they both are wrong.在我看来他们俩都错了like a book  Thoroughly; completely:透彻地;全面地:I know my child like a book.我完全了解我的孩子one for the books  A noteworthy act or occurrence.不寻常的事:一件值得记住的行动或事件throw the book at  1. To make all possible charges against (a lawbreaker, for example).对(被告)作出所有可能的指控2. To reprimand or punish severely.严厉申斥:严厉指责或惩罚语源:1. Middle English bok 中古英语 bok 2. from Old English b½c * see  bh³go- 源自 古英语 b½c *参见 bh³go- 继承用法:book“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. book,bespeak,engage,reserve2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to cause something to be set aside, as for one's use or possession, in advance”: 这些动词共有的中心意思为“事先预留以便使用或拥有”: reserving a table at a restaurant. 在餐厅订张桌子




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