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单词 bootleg
释义 bootleg['bu:tleg]vt. 私卖(酒)vi. 私卖(酒) bootleg  boot.leg  AHD:  [b›t“lµg”] D.J.  [6bu8t7leg]K.K.  [6but7lWg]v.(动词)  boot.legged,boot.leg.ging,boot.legs及物动词)1. To make, sell, or transport (alcoholic liquor) for sale illegally.偷制和卖酒:酿造、贩卖或运输(酒精类液体)以非法出售2. To produce, distribute, or sell without permission or illegally:偷制和贩卖:未经许可或非法地制造、分送或贩卖:a clandestine outfit that bootlegs record albums and tapes.非法贩卖唱片和磁带的地下商店v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To engage in the bootlegging of alcoholic liquor or another product.违法偷运私酒:从事于非法酿造、贩卖或偷送酒精类酒或其他产品2. To attach a transmitter to a dish antenna, creating an uplink via which a signal is sent to a satellite without the knowledge of the satellite's owner.偷安线路:未经卫星所有者同意便把发射器与一个碟式天线相连,产生一个上行线路,并由它将信号送给卫星3. Football To fake a hand-off, conceal the ball on the hip, and roll out in order to pass or especially to rush around the end. Used of a quarterback.【橄榄球】 假传进攻:伪造一个脱手,隐藏球在臂部,然后滚出以便通过甚至达到终点。用以指四分卫假传进攻n.(名词)1. A product, especially alcoholic liquor, that is illicitly produced, distributed, or sold.私酒:一种被禁止生产、分送或出售的产品,特别是酒类2. The part of a boot above the instep.靴帮:靴子上高于足背的部分3. Football A play in which the quarterback bootlegs.【橄榄球】 四分卫假传进攻:四分之一场运送球的比赛adj.(形容词)Produced, sold, or transported illegally:非法制造的、出售的或运输的:bootleg gin; bootleg tapes.非法售卖的杜松子酒;盗版磁带语源:[From a smuggler's practice of carrying liquor in the legs of boots] [源于走私者利用靴子运送酒类的实践] 继承用法:boot“leg”ger  n.(名词)




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