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单词 boring
释义 boring['bɒ:riŋ]a. 烦人的, 无聊的, 无趣的【机】 成孔期, 搪孔 boring  AHD:  [bôr“¹ng, b½r“-] D.J.  [6b%8r!0, 6b*&r-]K.K.  [6b%r!0, 6bor-]adj.(形容词)Uninteresting and tiresome; dull.无聊的:无趣的和令人厌烦的;单调沉闷的继承用法:bor“ingly  adv.(副词)bor“ingness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. boring,monotonous,tedious,irksome,tiresome,humdrum2. These adjectives refer to what is so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.这些形容词都指缺乏趣味,令人精神疲倦的。3. Boring   implies feelings of listlessness and discontent: Boring  指无精打采和不满意的感觉: “There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea”  (James Russell Lowell).“没有东西更象大海一样单调到让人绝望了” (詹姆士·罗素·洛威尔)。4. Tedious   suggests dull slowness or long-windedness: Tedious  说明令人乏味的缓慢或漫长的曲折: When we travel from coast to coast, we take a plane to avoid spending tedious days on the train.当从一个海滨旅行到另一个海滨时,我们乘坐飞机以避免在火车上打发无聊时光。5. Irksome   describes what is demanding of time and effort and yet is dull and often unrewarding: Irksome  指需要时间和努力,然而是单调而且通常是没有回报的: “I know and feel what an irksome task the writing of long letters is”  (Edmund Burke). Something“我知道也感到写长信是一件多么令人烦恼的任务” (埃德蒙·布克)。6. tiresome   fatigues because it seems to be interminable or to be marked by unremitting sameness: tiresome  的东西令人厌倦是因为它看起来无穷无尽或毫无变化: “What a tiresome being is a man who is fond of talking”  (Benjamin Jowett).“夸夸其谈的人多么令人讨厌” (本杰明·乔维特)。7. Humdrum   refers to what is commonplace, trivial, or unexcitingly routine: Humdrum  指陈腐、琐碎和无趣平凡的东西: She led a humdrum existence—all work and no play. 她过着相当单调的生活——只有工作,没有玩乐。




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