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单词 bosom
释义 bosom['buzəm]n. 胸部, 胸, 胸怀, 内部, 中间vt. 怀抱 bosom  AHD:  [b‹z“…m, b›“z…m] D.J.  [6b&z*m, 6bu8z*m]K.K.  [6b&z*m, 6buz*m]n.(名词)1. The chest of a human being:胸部:人的胸部:He held the sleepy child to his bosom.他把昏昏欲睡的小孩抱在怀里2. A woman's breast or breasts.女性乳房3. The part of a garment covering the chest or breasts.衣服的胸襟:穿在胸部或乳房部分的衣服4. The security and closeness likened to being held in a warm familial embrace:家庭般的温暖:如在温暖家庭怀抱的安全和亲切感:We welcomed the stranger into the bosom of our family.我们以家庭的关怀来欢迎陌生人5. The chest considered as the source of emotion.胸怀:被看作是情感来源的胸膛adj.(形容词)Beloved; intimate:心爱的;亲密的:a bosom friend.一个亲密的朋友语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English b½sm 源自 古英语 b½sm




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