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单词 bowel
释义 bowel['bauəl]n. 肠, 内脏, 内部vt. 挖...的内脏【医】 肠 bowel  bow.el  AHD:  [bou“…l, boul] D.J.  [6ba&*l, ba&l]K.K.  [6ba&*l, ba&l]n.(名词)1. Often bowels The intestine.常作 bowels 肠子2. A part or division of the intestine:一段肠子:肠子的一部分或一段:the large bowel.大肠3. bowels The interior of something:bowels 事物内部:in the bowels of the ship.在船舱里4. bowels Archaic The seat of pity or the gentler emotions.bowels 【古语】 慈悲心肠,怜悯之情语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French boel 源自 古法语 boel 3. from Latin botellus [small intestine] [diminutive of] botulus [sausage] 源自 拉丁语 botellus [小肠]  [] botulus的小后缀 [香肠,腊肠]




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