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单词 brant
释义 brant[brænt]n. 黑雁 brant  brant  AHD:  [br²nt] D.J.  [br#nt]K.K.  [br#nt]n.(名词)  【复数】 brant 或 brants  Any of several small, dark wild geese of the genusBranta  that breed in arctic regions, especially B. bernicla,  having a black neck and head. 黑雁:一种黑雁属 小型黑色野鹅,产于北极地区,尤指 黑雁属, 具有黑色的颈和头 语源:1. Variant of brent(-goose) brent(-goose) 的变体 2. possibly from Middle English brende [brindled] * see  brindled 可能源自 中古英语 brende [有斑纹的] *参见 brindled Brant  Brant  AHD:  [br²nt] Joseph  Originally Thayendanegea.(1742-1807) D.J.  [br#nt]K.K.  [br#nt]NONE(无词性)Mohawk leader who supported the British in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution.布兰特,约瑟夫:(1742-1807) 莫霍克族领袖,在法印战争和美国革命中支持英军




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