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单词 breeze
释义 breeze[bri:z]n. 微风, 煤屑, 轻而易举的事vi. 吹微风, 逃走【化】 矿粉; 煤粉; 煤末【医】 微风相关词组:shoot the breezebreeze inbreeze offin a breeze breeze 1  breeze 1  AHD:  [br¶z] D.J.  [bri8z]K.K.  [briz]n.(名词)1. A light current of air; a gentle wind.微风,轻风:轻微的空气流;微风2. Meteorology Any of five winds with speeds of from 4 to 31 miles (6 to 50 kilometers) per hour, according to the Beaufort scale.【气象学】 2级至6级的风:根据蒲福风级,速度达每小时4至31英里(6至50公里)的五种风的任一种3. Informal Something, such as a task, that is easy to do.【非正式用语】 容易做的事情,如任务v.intr.(不及物动词)  breezed,, 1. To blow lightly.轻轻地吹2. Informal To progress swiftly and effortlessly:【非正式用语】 快捷且轻松地取得进步:We breezed through the test.我们全不费力地通过了测验3. To sprint around a racetrack as a means of exercise. Used of a racehorse.遛(马)作轻快小跑:让马绕跑道小跑作为一种锻练的途径。用于赛马习惯用语:shoot the breeze【俚语】  To engage in idle conversation.闲聊:参与无聊的谈话语源:Perhaps from Old Spanish briza [northeast wind] 可能源自 古西班牙语 briza [东北风] 参考词汇:1. breeze,cinch,pushover,snap,walkaway,walkover2. The central meaning shared by these nouns is “something that is easily accomplished”: 这些名词共同的意义是“轻而易举完成的事情”: It wasn't any walkover to alphabetize all those names. 按字母顺序把所有那些名字都排列出来决非一件轻松的工作。  breeze 2  breeze 2  AHD:  [br¶z] D.J.  [bri8z]K.K.  [briz]n.(名词)The refuse left when coke or charcoal is made.焦炭渣,煤屑:焦炭或木炭做成后剩下的渣滓语源:1. Probably from French braise [hot coals] 可能源自 法语 braise [热煤] 2. from Old French brese 源自 古法语 brese 3. [of Germanic origin] * see  bhreu- [源于日耳曼语的] *参见 bhreu-




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