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单词 broadside
释义 broadsiden. 猛烈的攻击/谴责, 连珠炮似的攻讦/谴责, 舷侧ad. 无目标地, 胡乱地【电】 横列指向 broadside  broad.side  AHD:  [brôd“sºd”] D.J.  [6br%8d7sa!d]K.K.  [6br%d7sa!d]n.(名词)1. The side of a ship above the water line.水线上的船的舷侧2. All the guns on one side of a warship.一只军舰上的全部舷侧炮3. The simultaneous discharge of these guns.舷炮齐射:这些枪炮的同时开火4. A forceful verbal attack, as in a speech or editorial.抨击,谩骂:猛烈的言词攻击,如在一个演讲或社论中5. A large sheet of paper usually printed on one side.通常单面印刷的大幅纸张6. Something, such as an advertisement or public notice, that is printed on a broadside.Also called  broadsheet 海报:印在大幅纸张上的东西,如广告或告示也作  broadsheet7. A broad, unbroken surface.宽阔完整的表面adv.(副词)With the side turned to a given object:一侧向着给定目标地:The wave caught the canoe broadside and sank it.波浪从一侧冲击独木舟并将之撞沉及物动词)  broad.sid.ed,,broad.sides To strike or collide with full on the side:用整个侧面撞击或碰撞:were killed when an intoxicated driver broadsided their car.一个醉酒的司机驾车侧着行驶时被撞死了




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