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单词 brother
释义 brother['brʌðə]n. 兄弟 brother  AHD:  [br¾Y“…r] D.J.  [6brJH*]K.K.  [6brJH+]n.(名词)  【复数】 broth.ers 缩写 bro.,br.,b.1. A male having the same parents as another or one parent in common with another.兄弟:兄弟的状态或关系2. pl. Often[brµY“r…n]  One who shares a common ancestry, allegiance, character, or purpose with another or others, especially:【复数】 常作[brµY“r…n]  兄弟会:拥有共同的祖先,共同的效忠对象,共同的特征或目的的伙伴尤指:3. A kinsman.男性亲友4. A fellow man.同胞5. A fellow member, as of a fraternity, trade union, or panel of judges on a court.兄弟会成员,工会成员,陪审团成员6. A close male friend; a comrade.密友;同志7. A soul brother.黑人兄弟8. pl. Often brethren Something, such as a corporation or an institution, that is regarded as a member of a class:【复数】 常作 brethren 同业:被看作一个阶层的一员的社团,机构等:“A station that . . . relies on corporate contributions or advertising to survive runs the risk of becoming virtually indistinguishable from its commercial brethren”(&b{W. John Moore})“依靠法人团体的捐助和刊登广告来维生的电台,最后可能成为实质上的营利机构”(W.约翰·穆尔)9. Abbr. Br.Ecclesiastical 缩写 Br.【基督教会】 10. A member of a men's religious order who is not in holy orders but engages in the work of the order.修士:尚未晋升为神父的教士11. A lay member of a religious order of men.教会的在俗人员12. pl. Often brethren A fellow member of the Christian church.【复数】 常作 brethren 教友:基督教会友语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English br½thor * see  bhr³ter- 源自 古英语 br½thor *参见 bhr³ter-




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