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单词 bucket
释义 bucket['bʌkit]n. 桶【计】 存储桶; 桶【化】 铲斗; 挖斗; 桶; 吊桶相关词组:give sb the bucketkick the bucket bucket  AHD:  [b¾k“¹t] D.J.  [6bJk!t]K.K.  [6bJk!t]n.(名词)1. A cylindrical vessel used for holding or carrying liquids or solids; a pail.桶:用来装、盛液体或固体的器皿;桶2. The amount that a bucket can hold:一桶所装容量:One bucket of paint will be enough for the ceiling.刷天花板一桶油漆足够用了3. A unit of dry measure in the U.S. Customary System equal to 2 pecks (17.6 liters).See table at measurement 称料斗:美国干量单位,相当于2配克(17.6升)参见 measurement4. A receptacle on various machines, such as the scoop of a power shovel or the compartments on a water wheel, used to gather and convey material.斗:各种机器上的容器,如铲土机的铲斗,水车的戽斗,用来收集、传送物料5. Basketball A basket.【篮球】 球篮v.(动词),,buck.ets及物动词)1. To hold, carry, or put in a bucket:装在桶里,用桶提或放在桶里:bucket up water from a well.用桶从井里打水2. To ride (a horse) long and hard.骑马飞奔:催(马)拼命向前跑v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To move or proceed rapidly and jerkily:急速运动,颠簸着行进:bucketing over the unpaved lane.在没有铺路的小巷子里颠簸行进2. To make haste; hustle.急急忙忙;赶快习惯用语:a drop in the bucket  An insufficient or inconsequential amount in comparison with what is required.沧海一粟:与所需数量相比不足或不合理的语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French buket 源自 古法语 buket 3. [of Germanic origin] [日耳曼语源]




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