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单词 abject
释义 abject['æbdʒekt]a. 绝望无助的, 可怜的, 糟透的, 卑鄙的, 自卑的【法】 卑鄙的, 卑下的, 可怜的 abject  ab.ject  AHD:  [²b“jµkt”, ²b-jµkt“] D.J.  [6#b7d9ekt, #b6d9ekt]K.K.  [6#b7d9Wkt, #b6d9Wkt]adj.(形容词)1. Brought low in condition or status.See Synonyms at mean 2下贱的,卑贱的:状况或地位卑贱的参见 mean22. Being of the most contemptible kind:轻蔑的,被鄙视的:abject cowardice.被鄙视的懦夫3. Being of the most miserable kind; wretched:绝望无助的;凄苦可怜的:abject poverty.赤贫语源:1. Middle English [outcast] 中古英语 [被遗弃的] 2. from Latin abiectus [past participle of] abicere [to cast away] 源自 拉丁语 abiectus  [] abicere的过去分词 [扔掉] 3. ab- [from] * see  ab- 1ab- [从] *参见 ab-14. iacere [to throw] * see  y¶- iacere [扔] *参见 y¶- 继承用法:ab“ject”ly  adv.(副词)abject“ness  或  n.(名词)abjec“tion  




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