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单词 burner
释义 burner['bə:nə]n. 火炉, 烧火的人【化】 灯; 灯头; 烧嘴炉; 燃烧器; 燃烧炉【医】 灯, 燃烧炉 burner  AHD:  [bûr“n…r] D.J.  [6bT8n*]K.K.  [6bPn+]n.(名词)1. One that burns, especially:燃烧者,燃烧工,尤指:2. A device, as in a furnace, stove, or gas lamp, that is lighted to produce a flame.燃烧装置:在熔炉、火炉或汽灯中点燃产生火焰的装置3. A device on a stovetop, such as a gas jet or electric element, that produces heat.燃烧器:位于火炉顶部的产生热量的设备,如汽油喷嘴或电动装置等4. A unit, such as a furnace, in which something is burned:燃烧炉:物质在其中燃烧的一种设备,比如熔炉:an oil burner.一种烧油炉5. An incinerator.焚化炉6. Slang 【俚语】 7. An elaborate mural painted by a graffiti artist, usually on the wall of an abandoned building.涂鸦壁画:涂鸦画家绘制的精制壁画。通常在墙上或废弃的建筑物上8. A large, multicolored graffito.大幅涂鸦:巨大的、多彩的乱涂乱画




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