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单词 burnout
释义 burnout['bə:naut]n. 烧尽, 烧坏, 熄火【化】 燃尽 burnout  burn.out  AHD:  [bûrn“out”] D.J.  [6bT8n7a&t]K.K.  [6bPn7a&t]n.(名词)1. A failure in a device attributable to burning, excessive heat, or friction.烧毁,烧坏:由于燃烧、超高热或摩擦引起的设备故障2. Aerospace 【太空学】 3. The termination of rocket or jet-engine operation because of fuel exhaustion or shutoff.停烧:火箭或喷射发动机因燃料耗尽或切断而停止工作4. The point at which this termination occurs.停烧时刻:这种时期发生的时刻5. Physical or emotional exhaustion, especially as a result of long-term stress or dissipation.耗尽,精疲力尽:体力或感情的枯竭,特别指因长期压抑或放荡而造成的后果6. One who is worn out physically or emotionally, as from long-term stress.精疲力尽者:长期压抑而使体力或感情耗尽的人




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