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单词 burst
释义 burst[bə:st]n. 破裂, 突发, 爆发vt. 爆裂, 突发, 充满vi. 爆裂, 突发, 充满【计】 二进制位组; 字符组; 脉冲串相关词组:burst out doingburst upgo burstburst forthburst inburst into... burst  burst  AHD:  [bûrst] D.J.  [bT8st]K.K.  [bPst]v.(动词)  burst,,bursts v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To come open or fly apart suddenly or violently, especially from internal pressure.爆裂,炸破:突然或剧烈的开裂或炸开,尤指由内部压力而引起的2. To explode.使爆炸3. To be or seem to be full to the point of breaking open:充满,塞满:把…填入到一个开口处:The sacks were bursting with grain.麻袋里装满了谷子4. To emerge, come forth, or arrive suddenly:突然地出现、发生或到达:burst out of the door.突然出现在门边5. To come apart or seem to come apart because of overwhelming emotion:爆发:由于不可抑制的情感而爆发或好象要爆发:thought his heart would burst with happiness.猜想他心中的快乐快要爆发出来6. To give sudden utterance or expression:突然…:突然地发声或表达:burst out laughing; burst into tears.突然大笑起来;突然哭起来及物动词)1. To cause to burst:使爆炸:burst the balloon.See Synonyms at &b{break} 汽球爆炸参见 break2. To exert strong pressure in order to force (something) open.冲破,胀破:为了迫使(某物)打开而施加强大的压力3. Computer Science To separate (a continuous form or printout) into individual sheets.【计算机科学】 分帧,分页,分隔:把(连续的表格或打印输出文件)分成单独的页n.(名词)1. A sudden outbreak or outburst; an explosion.爆炸,爆裂:突然的炸开或裂开;爆炸2. The result of bursting, especially the explosion of a projectile or bomb on impact or in the air.爆炸:爆炸的结果,尤其指导弹或炸弹击中目标或在空中爆炸3. The number of bullets fired from an automatic weapon by one pull of the trigger.点射:由于扣动扳机而从自动武器中射出的一定数量的子弹4. A volley of bullets fired from an automatic weapon:连发射击:从自动武器中射出的连发子弹:The machine gunner fired a quick burst.机关枪快速连发射击5. An abrupt, intense increase; a rush:突进:突然的大幅度增长;突发:a burst of speed; wind blowing in fitful bursts.速度猛增;阵阵劲吹的风语源:1. Middle English bursten 中古英语 bursten 2. from Old English berstan 源自 古英语 berstan




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