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单词 burton
释义 burton['bə:tn]n. 复滑车 burton  bur.ton  AHD:  [bûr“tn] D.J.  [6bT8tn]K.K.  [6bPt2]n.Nautical (名词)【航海】 A light tackle having double or single blocks, used to hoist or tighten rigging.轻型滑车:双滑轮或单滑轮轻型滑车,用于升起或拉紧支撑船桅和帆的全部绳索语源:[Origin unknown] [来源不明]  Burton 1  Bur.ton  AHD:  [bûr“tn] D.J.  [6bT8tn]K.K.  [6bPt2]NONE(无词性)A city of southeast-central Michigan, a suburb of Flint. Population, 27,617.伯顿:美国密歇根中部偏东南的一个城市,弗林特的一个郊区。人口27,617 Burton 2  Burton&B{Harold Hitz} (&b{1888-1964})  NONE(无词性)American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1945-1958).伯顿,哈罗德·希茨:(1888-1964) 美国法官,任最高法院陪审法官(1945-1958年) Burton 3  Burton&B{Richard} (&b{1925-1984})  NONE(无词性)Welsh-born actor. Highly regarded for his dramatic range on stage and screen, he was also known for his tempestuous lifestyle.伯顿,理查德:(1925-1984) 威尔士裔演员。以其在舞台和银幕上的戏剧表演而获高度赞誉,并且因疯狂的生活方式而闻名 Burton 4  BurtonSir &B{Richard Francis} (&b{1821-1890})  NONE(无词性)British explorer and Orientalist. Disguised as a Pathan, he journeyed (1853) to the forbidden cities of Mecca and Medina and in 1858 tried unsuccessfully to discover the source of the Nile River. His best-known work is a translation ofThe Arabian Nights  (1885-1888), which was considered scandalous at the time. 伯顿,理查德·弗朗西斯:(1821-1890) 英国探险家和东方学家。他假扮成帕坦人游历了禁城麦加和麦地那(1853年),1858年他试图探索尼罗河源头,但未成功。他最有名的作品是《天方夜谭》 (1885-1888年)的译本,此部作品在当时被认为是丑恶可耻的  Burton 5  Burton&B{Robert} (&b{1577-1640})  NONE(无词性)English cleric and writer known chiefly for hisAnatomy of Melancholy  (1621), a treatise on the causes, symptoms, and cure of melancholy that ranges far afield in its lively depiction of everyday life. 伯顿,罗伯特:(1577-1640) 英国牧师和作家,尤以其作品《忧郁的剖析》 (1621年)而闻名,这部作品是一部关于忧郁的起因、症状和治疗的论文,其对日常生活的生动描写涉及领域很广




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