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单词 cabbage
释义 cabbage['kæbidʒ]n. 卷心菜【医】 卷心菜, 甘兰 cabbage  cab.bage  AHD:  [k²b“¹j] D.J.  [6k#b!d9]K.K.  [6k#b!d9]n.(名词)1. Any of several forms of a European vegetable(Brassica oleracea  var. capitata)  of the mustard family, having a globose head consisting of a short stem and tightly overlapping green to purplish leaves. 卷心菜,甘蓝菜:欧洲几种十字花科蔬菜之一(芸苔属甘蓝 变种 卷心菜) ,其头部呈球形,由短茎和紧密层叠的绿色到略带紫色的叶子组成 2. Any of several similar or related plants, such as Chinese cabbage.卷心菜:任一种相似的或相关的植物,如中国卷心菜3. The terminal bud of several species of palm, eaten as a vegetable.卷心芽:几种棕榈的顶端的芽,可作蔬菜食用4. Slang Money, especially in the form of bills.【俚语】 纸币,纸钞:钱,尤指纸币5. Informal Sweetheart; dear. Used as a term of endearment.【非正式用语】 甜心;爱人。该词用于表示爱意语源:1. Middle English caboche 中古英语 caboche 2. from Old North French [head] 源自 古法国北方方言 [头部] 3. possibly from alteration of Latin caput * see  capital 1可能为 拉丁语 caput的变化 *参见 capital1继承用法:cab“bagy  adj.(形容词)




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