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单词 Cairo
释义 Cairo['kaiərəu]n. 开罗 Cairo  Cairo  NONE(无词性)1. [kº“r½] The capital and largest city of Egypt, in the northeastern part of the country on the Nile River. Old Cairo was built c. 642 as a military camp; the new city was founded c. 968 by the Fatimid dynasty and reached its greatest prosperity under the Mameluke sultans (13th-16th century). Population, 6,205,000.[kº“r½] 开罗:埃及的首都和最大的城市,位于这个国家东北部的尼罗河边。古开罗是作为军事基地于公元642年建立的;新兴的开罗由法蒂玛王朝于公元968年建立,并在曼姆努克·苏丹统治期(13世纪到16世纪)达到其繁荣的顶峰。人口6,205,0002. [k³“r½] A town of extreme southern Illinois near the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. It was named after Cairo, Egypt, because of its similar deltalike setting. Population, 5,931.[k³“r½] 开罗:美国伊利诺斯州最南部的一个城镇,靠近密西西比河与俄亥俄河汇合处。它依埃及的开罗而命名,是因为它也有金字塔一样的建筑。人口5,931




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