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单词 canine
释义 canine['keinain]n. 犬齿, 犬a. 犬的, 似犬的, 犬科的【医】 犬牙, 尖牙, 犬的 canine  ca.nine  AHD:  [k³“nºn] D.J.  [6ke!na!n]K.K.  [6kena!n]adj.(形容词)1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the canids.犬科动物的:犬科动物的、与之相关的或具有其特点的2. Of, relating to, or being one of the pointed conical teeth located between the incisors and the first bicuspids.犬齿的:门牙和第一颗前磨牙之间的锋利锥形牙的、与犬齿相关的或位于犬齿的n.(名词)1. An animal of the family Canidae, especially a dog.犬:犬科动物,尤指狗2. One of the pointed, conical teeth located between the incisors and the first bicuspids.Also called  In this sense, also called cuspid 犬牙,犬齿:位于门牙和第一颗前磨牙之间的锋利圆锥形牙齿也作  在此意义上也可称作 cuspid语源:1. Latin can&9{ºnus} 拉丁语 can&9{ºnus} 2. from canis [dog] * see  kwon- 源自 canis [狗] *参见 kwon-




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