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单词 cantharis
释义 cantharis【医】 斑蝥 cantharis  can.tha.ris  AHD:  [k²n“th…r-¹s] D.J.  [6k#nG*r!s]K.K.  [6k#nG*r!s]n.(名词)  【复数】 can.thar.i.des[k²n-th²r“¹-d¶z”]  1. A brilliant green blister beetle(Lytta vesicatoria  or Cantharis vesicatoria)  of central and southern Europe. 斑蝥,西班牙芜菁:一种亮绿色芜菁(西班牙绿芜菁 或 芜菁 花萤属) ,产于欧洲中部和南部 2. cantharides (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A toxic preparation of the crushed, dried bodies of this beetle, formerly used as a counterirritant for skin blisters and as an aphrodisiac.Also called  Spanish fly cantharides (与单数或复数动词连用)斑蝥粉:用这种芜菁碾碎晾干后制成的药物,曾被用作皮肤发疮的对抗刺激剂和一种春药也作  Spanish fly语源:1. Latin cantharis  cantharid- 拉丁语 cantharis  cantharid- 2. from Greek kantharis 源自 希腊语 kantharis 3. from kantharos 源自 kantharos




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