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单词 capsicum
释义 capsicum['kæpsikəm]n. 辣椒【化】 辣椒属【医】 辣椒 capsicum  AHD:  [k²p“s¹-k…m] D.J.  [6k#ps!k*m]K.K.  [6k#ps!k*m]n.(名词)1. Any of various tropical American pepper plants of the genusCapsicum,  especially any of the numerous cultivated forms of the species C. annuum  and C. frutescens.  辣椒:辣椒属 的任一种热带美洲辣椒属植物,尤指 一年生辣椒属 和 灌木状辣椒属 中一种栽培形式 2. The fruit of any of these plants, especially the dried pungent types used as a condiment and in medicine.辣椒:辣椒属植物的果实,尤指辛辣的干辣椒,用作调味品,也可作药用语源:1. New Latin Capsicum [genus name] 现代拉丁语 Capsicum [属名] 2. perhaps from Latin capsa [box (from its podlike fruit)] 可能源自 拉丁语 capsa [盒子(得名于它的类似豆荚的果实)]




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