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单词 capsule
释义 capsule['kæpsju:l]n. 胶囊, 蒴果, 瓶帽, 航天舱【化】 胶囊剂【医】 囊, 被膜, 胶囊[剂], 荚膜 capsule  cap.sule  AHD:  [k²p“s…l, -s›l] D.J.  [6k#ps*l, -su8l]K.K.  [6k#ps*l, -sul]n.Abbr. caps.(名词)缩写 caps.1. A small soluble container, usually made of gelatin, that encloses a dose of an oral medicine or a vitamin.胶囊:小的可溶解的囊状物,通常用胶制成,内装一剂口服药或维生素2. Anatomy A fibrous, membranous, or fatty sheath that encloses an organ or part, such as the sac surrounding the kidney or the fibrous tissues that surround a joint.【解剖学】 被膜,囊:似纤维的,呈膜状或含很多脂肪的套,内包有一个器官或部位,如包裹着肾的囊或包裹着一个关节的纤维状组织3. Microbiology A mucopolysaccharide outer shell enveloping certain bacteria.【微生物学】 囊:包裹着一定细菌的黏多糖外壳4. Botany 【植物学】 5. A dry, dehiscent fruit that develops from two or more united carpels.蒴果:裂开的干果,由两个或多个结合在一起的心皮发展而成6. The thin-walled, spore-containing structure of mosses and related plants.荚膜孢蒴:指苔藓及与其有关植物的壁薄含孢子结构7. A space capsule.太空船,太空舱8. A brief summary; a condensation.概要:简洁的概括;总结adj.(形容词)1. Highly condensed; very brief:概要的:高度概括的;非常简略的:a capsule description.简洁的描写2. Very small; compact.微小的:非常小的;小巧的及物动词)  cap.suled,,cap.sules 1. To enclose in or furnish with a capsule.把…装在小盒或给…提供小盒2. To condense or summarize:概括或总结:capsuled the news.概括新闻语源:1. French 法语 2. from Latin capsula [diminutive of] capsa [box] 源自 拉丁语 capsula  [] capsa的小后缀 [盒子]




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