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单词 capture
释义 capture['kæptʃə]n. 抓取, 战利品, 捕获之物vt. 抓取, 获得, 迷住【计】 截获命令【化】 截留; 俘获 capture  cap.ture  AHD:  [k²p“ch…r] D.J.  [6k#pt.*]K.K.  [6k#pt.+]及物动词)  cap.tured,,cap.tures 1. To take captive, as by force or craft; seize.俘虏:俘虏,如通过武力或诡计;捕获2. To gain possession or control of, as in a game or contest:赢得,夺取:赢得对…的占有或控制,如在游戏或竞赛中:capture the queen in chess; captured the liberal vote.下国际象棋时吃掉王后;赢得自由党的选票3. To attract and hold:引起(注意)并吸引住:tales of adventure that capture the imagination.引起想象的探险故事4. To succeed in preserving in lasting form:成功地长久保存:capture a likeness in a painting.保存一幅油画中的人物肖像n.(名词)1. The act of catching, taking, or winning, as by force or skill.俘获,赢得:抓获、攫取或夺得,如通过武力或技艺2. One that has been seized, caught, or won; a catch or prize.俘虏,奖品:被抓获、逮住或赢得的人;捕获物或战利品3. Physics The phenomenon in which an atom or a nucleus absorbs a subatomic particle, often with the subsequent emission of radiation.【物理学】 俘获:一种原子或原子核吸收亚原子粒子的现象,随后常伴有辐射现象语源:1. From French [capture] 源自 法语 [俘获] 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin capt&9{¿ra} [a catching of animals] 源自 拉丁语 capt&9{¿ra} [捕获动物] 4. from captus [past participle of] capere [to seize] * see  kap- 源自 captus  [] capere的过去分词 [抓获] *参见 kap-




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