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单词 caricature
释义 caricature['kærikətʃə]n. 讽刺画, 漫画, 漫画手法vt. 画成漫画讽刺 caricature  AHD:  [k²r“¹-k…-ch‹r”, -ch…r] D.J.  [6k#r!k*7t.&*, -t.*]K.K.  [6k#r!k*7t.&r, -t.+]n.(名词)1. A representation, especially pictorial or literary, in which the subject's distinctive features or peculiarities are deliberately exaggerated to produce a comic or grotesque effect.漫画,讽刺文章:一种表述,尤指用图画表述或用文字表述,其中主题的显著特征或特质被有意夸张以产生一种滑稽的或荒诞的效果2. The art of creating such representations.漫画手法:创造漫画或讽刺文章的艺术3. A grotesque imitation or misrepresentation:滑稽模仿:一种荒诞的模仿或歪曲:The trial was a caricature of justice.这次审判是对正义的滑稽模仿及物动词),, To represent or imitate in an exaggerated, distorted manner.把…画成漫画:以夸张,歪曲的方式表述或模仿语源:1. French 法语 2. from Italian caricatura 源自 意大利语 caricatura 3. from caricare [to load, to exaggerate] 源自 caricare [装货,夸张] 4. from Late Latin carric³re 源自 后期拉丁语 carric³re 5. from Latin carrus [a Gallic type of wagon] * see  kers- 源自 拉丁语 carrus [一种高卢式运货马车] *参见 kers- 继承用法:car“icatur”ist  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. caricature,burlesque,parody,travesty,satire,lampoon2. These nouns denote artistic formsin which someone or something is imitated in an amusing and generally critical manner. A这些名词都表示各种艺术形式,其中某人或某物被以一种令人发笑的,通常是批判的方式模仿。3. caricature   grossly exaggerates a distinctive or striking feature,as of a person or group, with intent to ridicule.Caricature  极端地夸张某一显著或突出的特征,如一个人或一个群体的引人注目的特征,意图进行嘲讽。4. Burlesque,   which usually denotes a stage work,suggests outlandish mimicry and broad comedy to provoke laughter.Parody, travesty,  and satire  generally apply to written works. Burlesque  通常指一部舞台作品,含有为激发笑声的奇异的模仿和粗俗的喜剧的意思。Parody,travesty 和 satire 通常指文章。 5. Parody   is writing that employs the manner and style of a well-known work or writer for a ludicrous effect. AParody  是指为取得荒唐效果而采用知名作品或知名作者的风格写出的文章。6. travesty   is a harshly distorted imitation.Travesty  是拙劣的歪曲模仿。7. Satire   usually involves holding up to ridicule the follies and vices of a people or time. ASatire  通常与嘲笑一个民族或一个时代的愚昧和瑕疵有关。8. lampoon   is a malicious but broadly humorous satire.Lampoon  是挖苦的但有粗俗幽默的讽刺文注释:The history of the wordcaricature  takes us back through the centuries to a time when the Romans occupied Gaul, offering the blessings of civilization to the Gaulsbut also borrowing from them as well.One such borrowing, the Gaulish word.karros,  meaning “a wagon or cart,” became Latincarrus,  “a Gallic type of wagon.” This Latin word has continued to roll through the English language,giving uscar, career, cargo, carry,  and charge,  among others. Caricature,  another offspring of carrus,  came to us via French from Italian,in whichcaricatura,  the source of the French word, was derived from Italian caricare,  “to load, burden, or exaggerate.” Caricare  in turn came from Late Latin carric³re,  “to load,” derived from the Romans' Gaulish borrowingcarrus.  Caricature 一词的历史可上溯到很多世纪以前当古罗马人占领高卢的时候。 古罗马人给高卢人带去文明开化的好处,同时也从高卢人那里有所借鉴。其中一个借用语,即意为“运货马车或畜拉车”的高卢语词karros , 演变成拉丁语carrus ,意为“一种高卢式运货马车”。 这一拉丁词语在英语中继续发展,使我们得到了car,career,cargo,carry 和 charge 等诸多词汇。 Caricature 是 carrus 的另一产物, 从意大利语经法语而演变过来的。演变过程中,做为法语词源的caricatura 是从意大利语,即意为“装货,使负重荷或夸张”的 caricare 衍生而来。 反过来,Caricare 源自后期拉丁语 carricare ,意为“装货”, 而它又衍生自古罗马人从高卢语中借来的carrus  




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