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单词 caring
释义 caring  AHD:  [kâr“¹ng] D.J.  [6ke*r!0]K.K.  [6kWr!0]adj.Usage Problem (形容词)【用法疑难】 Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others:关心的:感到或表示对他人的关心或同情的:“We formed Generations United to argue for a caring society”(&b{Jack Ossofsky})“我们培养了数代人,使他们联合起来主张建立一个有爱心关心他人的社会”(杰克·奥索弗斯基)用法:1. Some critics have objected to the use ofcaring  as an adjective,  perhaps because it appears to treat compassion as a chronic condition.The acceptability of the usage may therefore vary according to the relation between the source and object of the caring.Thus 74 percent of the Usage Panel accepts the sentence A child has a right to certain things: a secure home, a healthful environment, and caring parents. A smaller majority, 58 percent,acceptsWe are looking for a few caring people to help with this program,  where the adjective appears to ascribe an undiscriminating disposition to care about whatever object of concern may present itself.Finally, only 29 percent of the Panel accepts 一些评论家反对把caring 当作形容词用, 也许是因为该词看起来把同情作为一种长期的状态来对待。对该词形容词用法的可接受性也许会因此根据同情的缘由和对象的关系而变化。所以有74%的用法专题使用小组成员认为 儿童有权享受一定的事物:安定的家庭,健康的环境以及充满爱心的父母一句可接受。 比例少一些的多数人。即58%的成员,认为我们正在寻找一些有同情心的人帮助实施这项计划 一句可接受。 该句中的形容词似乎把一种不加区别的性情当作关心任何一个可能出现的需要关心注意的对象。最后,只有29%的小组成员接受 A child has the right to grow up in a healthful, caring environment, 儿童享有在健康,充满爱心的环境中成长的权利一句, 2. wherecaring  is applied to circumstances rather than to persons. 该句中caring 被用来修饰环境而不是人




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