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单词 cat
释义 cat[kæt]n. 猫, 恶妇vi. 呕吐计算机辅助教育, 计算机辅助测试, 计算机辅助翻译, 计算机辅助排版【计】 计算机辅助教学, 计算机辅助翻译, 计算机辅助排字, 计算机辅助测试【化】 计算机辅助测试相关词组:let cat out of the bagsee which way the cat jumpswait for the cat to jumpbell the catgrin like a Cheshire cat cat  cat  AHD:  [k²t] D.J.  [k#t]K.K.  [k#t]n.(名词)1. A small carnivorous mammal(Felis catus  or F. domesticus)  domesticated since early times as a catcher of rats and mice and as a pet and existing in several distinctive breeds and varieties. 猫:一种(猫属 公猫 或 猫属 家猫) 小型食肉哺乳动物,用于捕捉田鼠和家鼠,很早就开始驯养,作为宠物以几类不同的品种和类别存在 2. Any of various other carnivorous mammals of the family Felidae, which includes the lion, tiger, leopard, and lynx.猫科动物:其它种类不同的猫科动物,包括狮、虎、豹和山猫3. The fur of a domestic cat.猫皮:家猫的毛皮4. A woman who is regarded as spiteful.恶毒的女人:被认为脾气不好的女人5. A cat-o'-nine-tails.九尾鞭6. A catfish.鲶鱼7. Nautical 【航海】 8. A cathead.锚架9. A device for raising an anchor to the cathead.提锚滑车:将锚提升至锚架的装置10. A catboat.独桅船11. A catamaran.双身船12. Slang 【俚语】 13. A person, especially a man.男人:人,尤指男人14. A player or devotee of jazz music.爵士乐演奏者或乐迷v.(动词)  cat.ted,cat.ting,cats (及物动词)【航海】 To hoist an anchor to (the cathead).起锚:将锚提升至(锚架)v.intr.Slang (不及物动词)【俚语】 To look for sexual partners; have an affair or affairs:寻找性伴侣;发生性关系:“catting around with every lady in sight”(&b{Gore Vidal})“跟见到的每个女人勾搭”(戈尔·维达尔)习惯用语:let the cat out of the bag  To let a secret be known.使秘密泄露语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English catt 源自 古英语 catt 3. from Germanic *kattuz 源自 日耳曼语 *kattuz  CAT  CAT  AHD:  [k²t] D.J.  [k#t]K.K.  [k#t]abbr.(略语)1. Clear-air turbulence. Clear-air turbulence.2. Computerized axial tomography. Computerized axial tomography. cat.  cat.  abbr.(略语)Catalog. Catalog.




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