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单词 caviar
释义 caviar['kæviɑ:]n. 鱼子酱【医】 鱼子酱 caviar  caviar 也作 cav.i.are  AHD:  [k²v“¶-är”, kä“v¶-] D.J.  [6k#vi87$8, 6k$8vi8-]K.K.  [6k#vi7$r, 6k$vi-]n.(名词)The roe of a large fish, especially sturgeon, that is salted, seasoned, and eaten as a delicacy or relish.鱼子酱:大鱼、尤其是鲟鱼的被腌制、加味并当作美味或调整味品食用的卵语源:1. Alteration of caviarie  probably from obsolete Italian caviari [pl. of] caviaro caviarie的变化  可能源自 已废意大利语 caviari  [] caviaro的复数 2. or from French caviare 或源自 法语 caviare 3. both from Turkish havyar 都源自 土耳其语 havyar 4. from Persian kh³vy³r ; akin to  kh³yah [egg] 源自 波斯语 kh³vy³r ;类似于  kh³yah [蛋] 5. from Middle Persian kh³yak * see  awi- 源自 中古波斯语 kh³yak *参见 awi- 注释:Although caviar might seem to be something quintessentially Russian,the wordcaviar  is not a native one, the Russian term beingikra. Caviar  first came into English in the 16th century,probably by way of French and Italian,which, along with other European languages, borrowed it from Turkishhavyar.  The source of the Turkish word is apparently an Iranian dialectal form related to the Persian word for “egg,”kh³yah,  and this in turn goes back to the same Indo-European root that gives us the English wordsegg  and oval.  This rather exotic etymology is appropriate to a substance that is not to everyone's taste,giving rise to Shakespeare's famous phrase,“'twas caviary to the general,”the general public, that is.虽然鱼子酱一词有点俄罗斯风范,但caviar 一词不是俄语, 俄语词是ikra。 Caviar  第一次出现在英语中是在16世纪,大概是来自法语和意大利语,而它们又与其它欧洲语言一起从土耳其语havyar 借用而来。 土耳其词的来源很明显是从与波斯单词“鸡蛋”khayah 有关的伊朗方言中而来, 并且由此追溯到给我们带来egg 和 oval 的同一印欧语系词根。 这种怪异的词源学不会适合所有人的口味,由此带来了莎士比亚的名言,“它是适合大众口味的鱼子酱,”即指一般公众




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