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单词 celluloid
释义 celluloid['seljulɒid]n. 赛璐珞【化】 赛璐珞【医】 赛璐珞, 假象牙 celluloid  AHD:  [sµl“y…-loid”] D.J.  [6selj*7l%!d]K.K.  [6sWlj*7l%!d]n.(名词)1. A colorless, flammable material made from nitrocellulose and camphor and used to make photographic film.赛璐珞,明胶:一种由硝酸纤维和樟脑制成的无色、易燃材料,用以制作照相胶卷2. Motion-picture film:电影影片:“a strange, anachronistic sight: theater pieces transferred to celluloid”(&b{David Ansen})“一种奇异的不合时宜的景象:戏剧作品转换成了电影影片”(戴维·安森)3. The cinema; motion pictures:电影院;电影:“There are no heroes but in celluloid”(&b{Charles Langbridge Morgan})“除电影里再无英雄”(查尔斯·兰布里奇·摩根)adj.(形容词)1. Made of or using a material made from nitrocellulose and camphor.明胶制成的:制造或使用硝酸纤维和樟脑做的物质的2. Of or portrayed on film or in motion pictures.电影的,胶片的:胶片或电影的或表现于胶片或电影上的3. Artificial; synthetic:人造的;人工合成的:a novel with flat, celluloid characters.一部人物平淡无味、造作的小说语源:[Originally a trademark] [源自商标名]




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