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单词 center of gravity
释义 center of gravity【化】 重心 center of gravity  center of gravity  n.(名词)  【复数】 centers of gravity 1. Abbr. c.g.The point in or near a body at which the gravitational potential energy of the body is equal to that of a single particle of the same mass located at that point and through which the resultant of the gravitational forces on the component particles of the body acts.缩写 c.g.重心:物体上或靠近物体的一点,在该点物体的重力势能等于放在该点的具有等同质量的单一物体的重力势能,通过该点重力的合力对物体的组成部分起作用2. The point of greatest importance, interest, or activity:中心点:最重要、最有兴趣或最活跃的一点:“The center of gravity for the English language is no longer Britain. American English is the greatest influence on English everywhere”(&b{Robert W. Burchfield})“英语语言的重心不再是英国了。美式英语对各地的英语最具有影响力”(罗伯特W.伯奇菲尔德)




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