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单词 centrifugal
释义 centrifugal[sen'trifjugl]a. 离心的n. 离心机, (离心机的)转筒【医】 离心的, 离中的, 远中的, 远心的 centrifugal  AHD:  [sµn-tr¹f“y…-g…l, -tr¹f“…-] D.J.  [sen6tr!fj*g*l, -6tr!f*-]K.K.  [sWn6tr!fj*g*l, -6tr!f*-]adj.(形容词)1. Moving or directed away from a center or axis.离心的:从中心或轴移开或离开的2. Operated by means of centrifugal force.受离心力作用的3. Physiology Transmitting nerve impulses away from the central nervous system; efferent.【生理学】 传出的:由中枢神经系统传出神经脉冲的;传出的4. Botany Developing or progressing outward from a center or axis, as in a flower cluster in which the oldest flowers are in the center and the youngest flowers are near the edge.【植物学】 离中的:由中心或轴心向外部发展或前进的,如在一花簇里最早开的花在中间,新开的花在边缘5. Tending or directed away from centralization, as of authority:政权分散的:如在权威上倾向于或从中央分离的:“The division of Europe into two warring blocs, each ultimately dependent on a superpower patron, is subject to ever-increasing centrifugal stress”(&b{Scott Sullivan})“欧洲分割成两大战争集团,每一个都最终依附于一个超级大国的支持,因此易受不断增长的分散力量的影响”(斯科特·沙利文)语源:1. From New Latin centrifugus 源自 现代拉丁语 centrifugus 2. Latin centrum [center] * see  center 拉丁语 centrum [中心] *参见 center3. Latin fugere [to flee] 拉丁语 fugere [飞离] 继承用法:centrif“ugalism  n.(名词)centrif“ugally  adv.(副词)




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