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单词 centripetal
释义 centripetal[sen'tripitəl]a. 向心的【医】 向心的, 向中的, 求中的 centripetal  cen.trip.e.tal  AHD:  [sµn-tr¹p“¹-tl] D.J.  [sen6tr!p!tl]K.K.  [sWn6tr!p!t1]adj.(形容词)1. Moving or directed toward a center or axis.向心的:朝向或指向中心或轴心的2. Operated by means of centripetal force.受向心力作用的3. Physiology Transmitting nerve impulses toward the central nervous system; afferent.【生理学】 传入的:向中枢神经系统传送神经脉冲的;传入的4. Botany Developing or progressing inward toward the center or axis, as in the head of a sunflower, in which the oldest flowers are near the edge and the youngest flowers are in the center.【植物学】 向心的:向中心或轴心发展或前进的,如在向日葵的花盘上先开的花在边缘,后开的花在中心5. Tending or directed toward centralization:倾向集中的:趋于或指向中心的:the centripetal effects of a homogeneous population.同类人种倾向集中的作用继承用法:centrip“etally  adv.(副词)




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