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单词 chain
释义 chain[tʃein]n. 链, 枷锁, 束缚vt. 用铁练锁住, 束缚, 囚禁【医】 链 chain  chain  AHD:  [ch³n] D.J.  [t.e!n]K.K.  [t.en]n.(名词)1. A connected, flexible series of links, typically of metal, used especially for holding objects together or restraining or for transmitting mechanical power.链,链条:一系列相连的,可折叠弯曲的连结物,通常指金属,尤指用来将物体联结到一起或限定物体或用来传送机械能2. Such a set of links, often of precious metal and with pendants attached, worn as an ornament or symbol of office.项链:这样的一串连结物,经常由贵重金属做成带有垂饰,作为装饰物或职业标记戴用3. A restraining or confining agent or force.束缚力,拘束力:约束或限制的机构或力量4. chains chains 5. Bonds, fetters, or shackles.枷锁,镣铐6. Captivity or oppression; bondage:囚禁,压迫;束缚:threw off the chains of slavery.摆脱奴隶制的束缚7. A series of closely linked or connected things:一系列,一连串:a chain of coincidences.See Synonyms at &b{series} 一连串的巧合参见 series8. A number of establishments, such as stores, theaters, or hotels, under common ownership or management.联号:拥有共同产权或统一管理的一系列企业或机构,如商店、剧院或旅馆等9. A range of mountains.山脉10. Chemistry A group of atoms bonded in a spatial configuration like links in a chain.【化学】 原子序,原子构造:限定在如链条上的连结环的空间构型里的一组原子11. An instrument used in surveying, consisting of 100 linked pieces of iron or steel and measuring 66 feet (20.1 meters).Also called  Gunter's chain 测链:测量用的一种工具,包含有100个相连的钢铁环,长66英尺(20.1米)也作  Gunter's chain12. A similar instrument used in engineering, measuring 100 feet (30.5 meters).工程测链:工程上用的一种相似的工具,长100英尺(30.5米)13. Abbr. chA unit of measurement equal to the length of either of these instruments.缩写 ch测量单位:等于这两种工具长度任一种的一个测量单位及物动词)  chained,,chains 1. To bind or make fast with a chain or chains:用链条拴住,用链条固定:chained the dog to a tree.把狗用链条拴在树上2. To restrain or confine as if with chains:监禁,束缚:象用链条似地束缚或固定:workers who were chained to a life of dull routine.被缚于过单调平淡生活的工人们语源:1. Middle English chaine 中古英语 chaine 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin cat¶na 源自 拉丁语 cat¶na  Chain  Chain  AHD:  [ch³n] Sir Ernst Boris (1906-1979) D.J.  [t.e!n]K.K.  [t.en]NONE(无词性)German-born British biochemist. He shared a 1945 Nobel Prize for isolating and purifying penicillin, discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming.柴恩,厄恩斯特·鲍里斯:(1906-1979) 德裔英籍生物化学家。由于分离和提纯1928年由亚历山大·弗莱明爵士发现的青霉素而获得1945年诺贝尔奖




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