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单词 challenged
释义 challenged  chal.lenged  AHD:  [ch²l“…njd] D.J.  [6t.#l*nd/d]K.K.  [6t.#l*nd/d]adj.(形容词)1. Having a disability or impairment.残障的:有残疾或缺损2. Deficient or lacking:有缺陷的或缺少的:有缺陷的或缺少的:an ethically challenged politician.一位在道德上有缺陷的政客用法:People who object to the termsdisabled  and handicapped  as being too negative sometimes propose the substitution of challenged  instead, as in referring to persons with physical disabilities as physically challenged.  While this particular phrase is quite popular, it is sometimes taken to be condescending, and similar usages such as mentally challenged  have failed to win equal acceptance. Indeed, the widespread parody of challenged in such expressions as electronically challenged  for “inept at using computers” has effectively eliminated it as an all-purpose alternative to disabled  or handicapped.  一些觉得使用disabled 和 handicapped 字眼过于负面的人,偶会以委婉的 challenged 代替,如用 physically challenged 指肢体有缺陷。这个特别词汇的使用相当普遍,因为有时会被视为较谦逊的用法,不过相似用法的接受度不一定相同, mentally challenged 这个用法便无法获得相同的认同。事实上,广为流传的 challenged 谐谑用法如以 electronically challenged(计算机残障) 来形容计算机白痴,已使得其全面替代 disabled 或 handicapped 沦为梦想




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