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单词 chamberlain
释义 chamberlain['tʃeimbəlin]n. 内侍, 管家, 掌管财物的人【法】 管家, 国王侍从, 收款员 chamberlain  cham.ber.lain  AHD:  [ch³m“b…r-l…n] D.J.  [6t.e!mb*l*n]K.K.  [6t.emb*l*n]n.(名词)1. An officer who manages the household of a sovereign or a noble; a chief steward.贵族的管家:管理国王或贵族家庭事务的管家;总管2. A high-ranking official in various royal courts.宫廷内务大臣:各种宫廷内的高级官员3. An official who receives the rents and fees of a municipality; a treasurer.财务管理人:收取市政租金和费用的官员;司库4. Roman Catholic Church An often honorary papal attendant.【罗马天主教】 内侍:罗马教皇的名誉侍从语源:1. Middle English chaumberlein 中古英语 chaumberlein 2. from Old French chamberlenc 源自 古法语 chamberlenc 3. from Frankish *kamerling 源自 法兰克语 *kamerling 4. Late Latin camera [chamber] * see  chamber 后期拉丁语 camera [室] *参见 chamber5. Germanic *-linga- [one connected with] * see  -ling 1日耳曼语 *-linga- [与…相关的人] *参见 -ling1 Chamberlain 1  Cham.ber.lain  AHD:  [ch³m“b…r-l¹n] (Arthur) Neville (1869-1940) D.J.  [6t.e!mb*l!n]K.K.  [6t.emb*l!n]NONE(无词性)British politician and prime minister (1937-1940) who advocated a policy of appeasement toward the fascist regimes of Europe. He was forced to declare war on Germany after its invasion of Poland in 1939.张伯伦,(阿瑟)内维尔:(1869-1940) 英国政治家和首相(1937-1940年),他对欧洲法西斯政权推行绥靖政策。在德国于1939年入侵波兰后,他被迫对德宣战 Chamberlain 2  Chamberlain&B{Joseph} (&b{1836-1914})  NONE(无词性)British politician who served as the mayor of Birmingham (1873-1876), president of the Board of Trade (1880-1885), and colonial secretary (1895-1903).张伯伦,约瑟夫:(1836-1914) 英国政治家,曾任伯明翰市长(1873-1876年)、贸易董事会总裁(1880-1885年)及殖民大臣(1895-1903年) Chamberlain 3  ChamberlainSir &B{(Joseph) Austen} (&b{1863-1937})  NONE(无词性)British politician who helped establish the Locarno Pact. He won the 1925 Nobel Peace Prize.张伯伦,(约瑟夫)奥斯特:(1863-1937) 英国政治家,因协助签订《洛迦诺公约》获1925年诺贝尔和平奖 Chamberlain 4  Chamberlain&B{Owen} (&b{Born 1920})  NONE(无词性)American physicist. He shared a 1959 Nobel Prize for demonstrating the existence of the antiproton.张伯伦,欧文:(生于 1920) 美国物理学家。因证明了反质子的存在而获1959年诺贝尔奖




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