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单词 charlatan
释义 charlatan['ʃɑ:lətən]n. 庸医【医】 庸医, 江湖医 charlatan  AHD:  [shär“l…-t…n] D.J.  [6.$8l*t*n]K.K.  [6.$rl*t*n]n.(名词)A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud.See Synonyms at impostor 假内行,庸医,骗子:精心制作或制造欺骗的人,而且对自己的技术或知识常常夸大其辞的人;江湖医生或骗子参见 impostor语源:1. French 法语 2. from Italian ciarlatano 源自 意大利语 ciarlatano 3. probably alteration  influenced by ciarlare [to prattle] 可能为  受 ciarlare的影响 [胡扯,乱扯] 4. of cerretano cerretano的变化 5. inhabitant of Cerreto [a city of Italy once famous for its quacks] 塞利托 [意大利一城市,一度以其江湖医生而闻名] 继承用法:char”latan“ic  AHD:  [-t²n“¹k]  或 char”la.tan“ (形容词)char“latanism  或  n.(名词)char“latanry  注释:A charlatan and chatter are inseparable,even perhaps in the etymology ofcharlatan.  According to one explanation,charlatan  goes back through French to Italian ciarlatano,  “mountebank, fraud,” from the wordciarlare,  “to chatter.” Another explanation would derivecharlatan  from the Italian word cerretano,  “an inhabitant of Cerreto, a quack,” the village of Cerreto being noted for its charlatans.It seems, however, that bothciarlare  and cerretano  have been involved in the formation of the Italian word. The first example of the English word and of its earliest recorded sense,“huckster, especially of medicines, who gives his pitch to a crowd; mountebank,” is found in 1618.The sense familiar to us,“a person pretending to skill or knowledge,”is first recorded in 1809.“冒充内行者”与“喋喋不休”是分不开的,甚至也许在charlatan 的词源上。 根据一种解释,charlatan 可以由法语追溯到意大利语的 ciarlatano, “江湖郎中,骗子”, 其来自ciarlare “喋喋不休”。 另一种解释是从意大利词cerretano 派生出 charlatan, “塞利托的居民,庸医,” 以其庸医闻名的塞利托村。但似乎ciarlare 与 cerretano 两个词都与这个意大利词的形成有关。 这个英语词第一个例子以及它最早记载的意义,“大吹大擂推销商品的人,尤指向人群推销药品的人;江湖医生,”见于1618年。对于我们熟悉的含义,“冒充在技能和知识上内行的人,”最早记载于1809年




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