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单词 chatter
释义 chatter['tʃætə]n. 饶舌, 啁啾, 喋喋不休vi. 喋喋不休地谈, (鸟)啭鸣【化】 颤动 chatter  chat.ter  AHD:  [ch²t“…r] D.J.  [6t.#t*]K.K.  [6t.#t+]v.(动词)  chat.tered,,chat.ters v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects; jabber.不停地谈:急快地、不停地谈论琐事;急促含糊地说2. To utter a rapid series of short, inarticulate, speechlike sounds:含混不清的声音:发出很快的一连串短促、含混不清的、说话样的声音:birds chattering in the trees.鸟在树间啁啾地叫3. To click quickly and repeatedly:急促反复地发出咔嚓声:Our teeth chattered from the cold.我们的牙齿冷得打颤4. To vibrate or rattle while in operation:运动时摇摆或嘎嘎作响:A power drill will chatter if the bit is loose.如果钻头松动,电钻会嘎嘎作响及物动词)To utter in a rapid, usually thoughtless way:快速地、通常指不加思索地说出:chattered a long reply.喋喋不休地做了一个很长的回复n.(名词)1. Idle, trivial talk.闲聊:无聊的、琐碎的谈话2. The sharp, rapid sounds made by some birds and animals.尖叫声:一些鸟类或动物发出的快速的尖叫声3. A series of quick rattling or clicking sounds.咔嚓声:一连串快速的嘎嘎声或咔嚓声语源:1. Middle English chateren 中古英语 chateren 2. [of imitative origin] [源于拟声的] 继承用法:chat“terer  n.(名词)




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