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单词 cheap
释义 cheap[tʃi:p]a. 便宜的, 不值钱的, 可鄙的ad. 便宜地相关词组:make oneself cheapget sth cheapfeel cheapon the cheaphold sth cheap cheap  cheap  AHD:  [ch¶p] D.J.  [t.i8p]K.K.  [t.ip]adj.(形容词),cheap.est 1. Relatively low in cost; inexpensive or comparatively inexpensive.不昂贵的:价格相对较低的;不昂贵或者相对不昂贵的2. Charging low prices:收费低廉的:a cheap restaurant.收费低廉的饭馆3. Obtainable at a low rate of interest. Used especially of money.可低息获得的。尤指款项4. Devalued, as in buying power:贬值的:贬值的,尤其用在购买能力上:cheap dollars.贬值了的美元5. Achieved with little effort:不费力就得到的:a cheap victory; cheap laughs.垂手而得的胜利;很容易就逗人发笑6. Of or considered of small value:没有价值的:没有价值或被认为没有价值的:in wartime, when life was cheap.战时是一个视生命如粪土的时期7. Of poor quality; inferior:劣质的;低劣的:a cheap toy.粗劣的玩具8. Worthy of no respect; vulgar or contemptible:不值得尊敬的;粗鄙的或可鄙的:a cheap gangster.可鄙的强盗9. Stingy; miserly.吝啬的;小气的adv.(副词)  cheaper,cheapest Inexpensively:便宜地:got the new car cheap.很便宜地买下一部新车习惯用语:cheap at twice the price  Extremely inexpensive.极廉价地on the cheap  By inexpensive means; cheaply:通过不昂贵的方式;便宜地:traveled to Europe on the cheap.极经济地到欧洲旅游语源:1. From Middle English (god) chep [(good) price, purchase, bargain] 源自 中古英语 (god) chep [(好的)价格,买卖,交易] 2. from Old English c¶ap [trade] 源自 古英语 c¶ap [贸易] 3. from Latin caup½ [shopkeeper] 源自 拉丁语 caup½ [店主人] 继承用法:cheap“ly  adv.(副词)cheap“ness  n.(名词)




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